
Koha 圖書館自動化系統: Koha News



  • 新增Powered by Koha
  • 支援自Open Library擷取書封功能
  • 新的系統偏好值導入


  • 讀者可在OPAC為書籍評等
  • 在OPAC詳細項目頁增加延伸搜尋連結,增加ISSN佔位符功能
  • 在OPAC詳細項目頁新增社群網站連結功能
  • 管理功能提供圖形介面
  • 管理者可自行上傳書封


  • 在OPAC增加右方長條編輯欄位
  • 在OPAC搜尋結果列表頁增加館藏類型分面搜尋結果
  • 在書目清單增加可用館藏功能
  • 在OPAC搜尋結果清單顯示自行上傳書封
  • 支援EAN-13 條碼格式


  • 可設定讀者透過OPAC介面自行註冊
  • 讀者續借警示通知設定
  • 在OPAC搜尋結果以螢光色標示本館圖書
  • 研究支援Bootstrap介面
  • 支援RDA


  • 新增Bootstrap主題
  • 新增課程指定參考用書功能
  • Koha Translation Project中文翻譯 (碩陽加入網站翻譯團隊)
  • 離線流通功能可完全於瀏覽器(Firefox)執行


  • 讀者在搜尋結果分面選項可選擇只列出可取得的館藏
  • 書目建立或匯入後的系統查詢等待時間,較少時間即可納入查詢範圍(約等待1分鐘)
  • 新增採購項目可從書目記錄加入書單
  • 離線流通功能軟體可於Windows系統使用


  • EBSCO 提供EDS整合API, 適用於此版本後的Koha系統


  • 待處理機讀資料增加diff欄位
  • 使用記錄回報Koha社群機制
  • 主題樣式只使用Bootstrap樣式
  • 批次書目刪除
  • 支援Shibboleth



  • Add ability for plugins to convert arbitrary files to MARC from record staging tool

Hold requests

  • 將這兩個系統偏好 AllowOnShelfHolds 及 OpacItemHolds 移至流通Matrix.


  • Cover image from Coce, a remote image URL cache


  • Discharge management


  • 書目紀錄批次修正
  • Plack – 支援套件 (bug 13791)
  • 新增建立 RESTful API 的平台 (bug 13799)
  • 書目記錄可以附加檔案 (bug 6874)
  • 專業圖書館員介面 (bug 11559)
  • 批次借出 (bug 11759)
  • 館藏類型、分館名稱、系統偏好與容許值都可以翻譯 (bug 14100)
  • 新增頁面顯示連結至限制級網站 (bug 13485)
  • 客製化訂閱欄位 (bug 10855)
  • 客製化提示音效 (bug 11431)
  • 複製既有館藏 (bug 7369)
  • 合併多筆書目記錄 (bug 8064)
  • 強化對 RIS 與 BibTeX 的匯出功能 (bug 12357)
  • Unimarc_field_4XX plugin – 新增顯示冊數資訊與連結至書目記錄 (bug 13904)
  • 可以客製化顯示在Allow column visibility in additem.pl 的欄位 (bug 14510)
  • 逾期或被停權禁止續借 (bug 8236)
  • 借出被別人預約的館藏時,於借出對話盒新增確認鈕 (bug 11882)
  • 在 circulation.pl 顯示待提取館藏的等待期間 (bug 13030)
  • 罰款期的第一天就能收取罰款 (bug 13590)
  • 指定借出的額度 (bug 14045)
  • 用按鈕而不是連結處理訊息 (bug 14171)
  • 可從流通頁面立即支付所有費用 (bug 14900)
MARC 書目資料
  • RDA: 700/710/711 顯示於 XSLT (bug 13382)
  • RDA: 100/110/111 變更入 XSLT (bug 13383)
  • 劃一題名 (130 / 240 / 730) 顯示於 XSLT (bug 13387)
  • RDA: 顯示 33xs (bug 13734)
  • 246 XSLT 已改進 (bug 14054)
  • 更新 MARC21 框架至 Update No. 20 (April 2015) 與 21 (September 2015) (bug 14333)
  • 於 OPAC 與 Staff XSLT 顯示強化的 264 (bug 14734)
  • 於 XSLT 修正 RDA: 700/710/711 圖示路徑 (bug 14917)
  • 更新 MARC21 德文 (de-DE) 框架至 Update 21 (September 2015) (normal – bug 15097)
  • 更新 MARC21 西班牙文 (es-ES) 框架至 Update 21 (September 2015) (bug 15063)
  • 更新 MARC21 義大利文 (it-IT) 框架至 Update 21 (September 2015) (bug 15070)
  • 進階搜尋:從搜尋表單內隱藏館藏類型,把它和館藏類型群組合為一個搜尋選項 (bug 10937)
  • 略為改進 OPAC 搜尋結果清單 (bug 11881)
  • 顯示 OPAC 的語文選項置於上方、下方或同時 (bug 14252)
  • 讓 Baker & Taylor 的封面可經由 UPC 與 ISBN 取得 (bug 14607)
  • 把屬性選項 N/A 改為未指定 (bug 14652)
其他強化功能恕略譯,參閱英文資料 https://koha-community.org/koha-3-22-released/
  • Perl 5.10 必備
  • Zebra 必備


資料來源:  Koha 3.22 釋出公告, Koha 台灣.


  • 版本號改以年.月表示
  • Google OAuth2整合
  • 支援Google Classroom 分享 (本地客製)
  • 支援忘記密碼重置功能
  • 支援Paypal罰款支付功能


  • 新增同一書目讀者預多本約功能
  • 採訪部份系統可寄出電子郵 件訂單
  • 新增文章需求功能
  • 讀者快速註冊表
  • 住家服務讀者模組


  • 流通加入索取文章功能
  • 新增預約圖書館架上圖書功能
  • 改善Koha 安裝及升級功能
  • TranslateNotices  通知加入翻譯功能
  • 讀者註記可於還入時顯示於館員介面
  • 新增讀者俱樂部功能


  • 15685
  • 14826
  • 提供線上支付外掛功能
  • 增加館際合作功能至流通及OPAC
  • 改善館際合作功能
  • 提供個人化快速檢視功能
  • 新增個人預約記錄
  • 允許密碼強制複雜化
  • 可增設 MARCOrgRCode給每一間圖書館
  • 18120
  • 新增設定MarcOrgCode


  • 19298
  • 能夠組織金字塔結構的圖書館組織
  • 可在系統內維持不同的Koha及時區設定
  • 可透過CAS在其它軟體登出
  • 新增API Key 讀者管理介面
  • 改善合併讀者記錄功能
  • 16330
  • 20402
  • 館員介面可瀏覽選擇的書目
  • 獨立自助還入工具功能


  • 能在同一採購項目中執行多個訂單
  • 能在發票中調整項目
  • 館員介面支援Shibboleth登入
  • 18507
  • 支援PDF檔案連結及線上閱讀
  • 11897 Stock Rotation for Koha
  • 19817
  • 併項本地及線上館藏 (check)
  • 館員可寄罰款收條給讀者
  • 可整合RecordedBooks/OverDrive, 查詢其目錄...
  • 20312 Add a link towards the last consulted patron
  • 20942 Add route to get patron’s account balance
  • 20944
  • 21116
  • 可以製作圖表的SQL報表
  • 21467  Allow several receipts for a given subscription
  • 19436 新增對權威記錄 SRU的支援



  • [5770] 當提出採購建議時, 用電子郵件通知館員
  • [15774] 增加額外欄位給採購籃使用


  • [20912] 新增基於時段的租賃費用.


  • [8995] 增加OpenURL的連結在OPAC搜尋結果頁

REST api 整合功能

  • [13895] Add routes for checkouts retrieval and renewal
  • [16497] Add routes for library retrieval, update and deletion
  • [17006] Add route to change patron’s password (authenticated)
  • [19661] Add route for fund retrieval
  • [22061] Add route to change patron’s password (public)
  • [22132] Add Basic authentication to the REST API
  • [22206] Add routes to enable suspension or resumption of holds

搜尋 – Elasticsearch

  • [18235] 新增Elastic搜尋引擎 – 安裝選項


  • [14407] 限制自行借出在特定IP範圍內使用

Web services

  • [17047] 可和Mana 知識庫整合 : 資料分享

[17179] EnableAdvancedCatalogingEditor 先進編輯器: 新增鍵盘快速鍵以節省時間.

快捷鍵 行為
Alt-C Insert copyright symbol (©)
Alt-P Insert copyright symbol (℗) (sound recordings)
Ctrl-D 插入分隔符號 (‡)
Ctrl-H 當前分欄的說明
Ctrl-Shift-L Link field to authorities
Ctrl-S 儲存紀錄
Ctrl-X 刪除此分欄
Ctrl-Shift-X 刪除此分欄


Shift-Enter 搜入斷列標記
定位鍵 移動至下個位置
Shift-Tab 移動至前個位置

[22445] CustomCoverImagesURL 可定義遠端 URL +指定欄位資料的圖檔, 做為書封圖片使用

[23228] 在付完罰款後可自動展示罰款收據

[19618] 加入俱樂部 ‘Club 預約’ 功能

[22581] Add support for Plaine & Easie musical incipits rendering in OPAC

[23214] 可以支付被保證者罰款

[14570] 可以在一筆記錄中加入多個保證者

[22706] Add plugin hooks to allow custom password strength checking modules

[22709] Add hooks to notify plugins of biblio and item changes

[22834] Add a method for plugins to return the absolute path for bundled files

[22835] Serve static files from plugins through the API

[23050] Add hook to add a tab in intranet biblio details page

[23237] Add support for [% INCLUDE %] in plugin templates

[16825] Add API route for getting an item

[17003] Add API route to get checkout’s renewability

[23517] Add API route to update a holds priority
[23584] Add public API routes to change privacy settings
[23677] Add API route to get a bibliographic record
[23321] 新增 ‘現金收銀機’ 在帳號系統

Z39.50 / SRU / OpenSearch Servers
[13937] Add an Elasticsearch-compatible Z39.50/SRU daemon



  • [24347] 增加「搜尋並下單」功能由美國俄亥俄雅典郡公立圖書館捐贈

    This new feature allows staff to add items to an order via a new ‘Search to order’ function accessible from the basket. The order can then be created either directly from the result list or the detail pages of the catalog.
    This replaces the former search functionality for existing records within the acquisitions module and makes it possible to use all search features and information shown in the normal catalog.


  • [13881] 增加可定義流通櫃台功能由 Bibliothèque Universitaire des Langues et Civilisations (BULAC)捐贈

    When enabled, this feature makes it possible to define circulation desks per library.

    Future developments are planned to allow associating hold pickup locations with desks and other features.

    New system preference: UseCirculationDesks defaults to disabled.

  • [24846] 新增工具「可批次延長到期日」,  BibLibre, ByWater Solutions 以及 PTFS Europe 捐贈

         新偏好: batch_extend_due_dates, 預設是「不啟用」


  • [23354] Add a ‘Point of sale’ screen to allow anonymous payments 功能由 Cheshire Libraries Shared Services 以及 PTFS Europe 捐贈

    The new feature adds point of sale functionality to Koha.

    When enabled, a new “Point of sale” screen will be available from the staff client home page. From this screen, one can build up a transaction consisting of various items defined in the account debit types administration area and then process the transaction anonymously making a ‘sale’ to the end-user. The payment type, cash register and staff user id’s are all stored for later auditing purposes.

    New system preference: EnablePointOfSale defaults to disabled.

  • [23355] Add a ‘cashup’ process to accounts 功能由Cheshire Libraries Shared Services 以及 PTFS Europe 捐贈

    This new feature complements the new ‘Point of sale’ page introduced in bug 23354 by adding a page to display historic transactions that have taken place on the selected cash register since the last ‘cashup’ event. One can record a ‘cashup’ from this page by comparing the summary values displayed on the page to the actual amounts found in the cash register and then clicking the ‘cashup’ button to record that this process has taken place.

  • [23442] Add a ‘refund’ process to accounts 功能由Cheshire Libraries Shared Services 以及 PTFS Europe 捐贈

    This enhancement adds a workflow that allows staff with the new refund permission to refund/reimburse patrons when they have been incorrectly charged for a transaction. It records an audit trail for the process.

  • [24080] Add a ‘payout’ process to accounts 功能由Cheshire Libraries Shared Services 以及 PTFS Europe 捐贈

    This new feature adds an audited process for paying out excess credits on a patrons account.


  • [23112] Add circulation process to inter-library loansSponsored by Loughborough University

    This new feature, when enabled, adds the option for library staff to immediately issue a received inter-library loan item to the patron who requested it. The checkout is immediate and due date is set, either as a fixed date entered by the librarian or based upon the standard circulation rules.

    New system preference: CirculateILL defaults to disabled.


  • [4461] Add a context-sensitive report a problem process 功能由Catalyst公司捐贈

    This new feature, when enabled, lets patrons report problems using the OPAC.

    It adds a link to each page of the OPAC to a form so that patrons can report problems. Problems are then available via a new problem report management area in the staff interface.

    New system preference: OPACReportProblem defaults to disabled.


  • [23975] 可搜尋和安裝外掛從GitHub網站

    This patch makes public plugins discoverable from within Koha itself via a search box at the top of the plugin management page.

    One can search for plugins and install them directly from their source.

    WARNING: Plugins are not yet verified by the community, use at your own risk. The feature is disabled by default; to enable it an administrator must uncomment, or add new lines to, the relevant configuration lines inside the plugin_repos config block within koha-conf.xml.


  • [24302] Add a way to specify nested objects to embed in OpenAPI

    This development introduces a way to define embeddable objects on API routes. On the path specs, they will be specified using dot notation for nested embeddings:

    “x-koha-embed”: [

    The consumer will need to add a header to the request, specifying the things they want to embed using comma-separated values like this:

    x-koha-embed: ‘biblio,fund’

    This header will be validated against the endpoint spec and an error code will be returned if the request is not appropriate.

搜尋 – Elasticsearch

  • [14567] 增加 elasticsearch 在OPAC驅動瀏覽的介面

    This is an interface for quick and efficient browsing through records with Elasticsearch.

    It presents a page at /cgi-bin/koha/opac-browse.pl that allows you to enter the prefix of an author, title, or subject and it’ll give you a list of the options that begin with the text you entered. You can then scroll forward through these and select the one you’re after.

    Selecting a result provides a list of records
    that match that particular search.

    New system preference: OpacBrowseSearch defaults to disabled.

Web services

  • [24369] Add ability to set CORS header in Koha

    This development adds support for setting the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in Koha using the new AccessControlAllowOrigin system preference. This is especially useful for integrating data from the services provided by Koha on sites other than Koha itself.

    New system preference: AccessControlAllowOrigin defaults to empty.


架構, 內部, 以及 plumbing

  • [22417] 新增工作排程( task queue )

    There are long standing issues in Koha when working under Plack. Some scripts are only running in CGI mode.
    In this first step we are introducing RabbitMQ (a message broker) to deal with asynchronous tasks.

    In this first iteration we are adapting the batch update record tools (both biblio and authority) to use it.
    A list of the jobs that have been or is being processed is available, see the new view at /admin/background_jobs.pl.


  • [21946] 由館藏類型設定的群組流通 Group circulation by item type

    這個特色新增功能定義一些館藏類型,在定義流通規則限制時對其它館藏類型如父系一般 。This feature adds the ability to define some itemtypes as ‘parent’ to other item types for defining circulation limits.

    可以新增相關館藏類型「群組」。比方說—一所圖書館同時有藍光及DVD館藏類型—可以放到「媒體」群組之下。借出的限制,會同時被適用於藍光及DVD類型。This allows to create ‘groups’ of related items types. E.g. – a library has both Blu-ray and DVD itemtypes – these can be grouped under the ‘Media’ itemtype. The checkout limit for Media will then apply to both Blu-ray and DVD.

    所以如果一所圖書館允許讀者可以借4部DVD-4部藍光以及設定「媒體」每位讀者只能借4個館藏, 會使每種上限都只能借4個( 比如, 1DVD,3藍光) 但可以防止從這兩類館藏類型借出更多館藏,So if a library says a patron can have 4 dvds – 4 blu-ray – and sets Media to have a limit of 4 then patrons can have up to 4 items of either type (e.g. 1 DVD, 3 blu-rays) but will be prevented from checking out more of either type by the limit on the parent.

    父系規則只在借出館藏時適用。Parent rules only apply to checkout limits.

  • [25534] 新增可以指定並儲存理由當取消預約 Add ability to specifying and store a reason when cancelling a hold

    This new feature adds an option to allow staff to add a reason for cancellation when cancelling a hold.

    The new ‘CANCELLATION_REASON’ authorized value is used to provide a configurable pick list of reasons.

    Optionally, the library may choose to define a ‘HOLD_CANCELLATION’ notice which will be sent whenever a cancellation reason is assigned.


  • [19036] Number payment receipts / payment slips


  • [22818] 館際合作可以送出通知 ILL should be able to send notices

    Sponsored by PTFS Europe

    This patch adds the ability for ILL to send notices, both triggered by staff and triggered by events.

    Staff can trigger notices to patrons from the “Manage ILL request” screen:

    • ILL request ready for pickup
    • ILL request unavailable
    • Place request with partners

    The following notices to staff are triggered automatically:

    • Request has been modified by patron
    • Request has been cancelled by patron

    Branches can now specify an “ILL email” address to which notices intended to inform staff of changes to requests by patrons can be sent.

    The sending of notices is controlled by a few new sysprefs:

    • “ILLDefaultStaffEmail” – Fallback email address for staff ILL notices
      to be sent to in the absence of a branch address
    • “ILLSendStaffNotices” – To specify which staff notices should be sent
      automatically when requests are manipulated by patrons

    Patron notices are also controlled by the patron’s messaging


  • [24151] 新增擬匿名化流程給讀者及金流 Add a pseudonymization process for patrons and transactions

    Sponsored by Association KohaLa

    This new feature adds a way to pseudonymize patron data, in a way that it will not be able to identify the person (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudonymization)

    There are different existing ways to anonymize patron information in
    Koha, but by removing information we loose the ability to make useful reports.

    This development introduces two new tables:

    • pseudonymized_transactions for transactions and patron data
    • pseudonymized_borrower_attributesfor patron attributes
      Entries to pseudonymized_transactions are added when a new transaction (checkout, checkin, renew, on-site checkout) is done.
      The table anonymized_borrower_attributes is populated if patron attributes are marked as “keep for pseudonymization”.

    To make things configurable, three system preferences have been added:

    • Pseudonymization to turn on/off the whole feature
    • PseudonymizationPatronFields to list the information of the patrons to synchronize
    • PseudonymizationTransactionFields to list the information of the transactions to copy


  • [22343] 新增SMTP伺服器設定功能 Add configuration options for SMTP servers

    This patchset adds the ability to set SMTP servers and then pick them for using on each library when sending notices, cart, etc.

    SSL/TLS authentication is supported [*]

    A new administration page is added for managing the servers.

    [*] ssl_mode=starttls is not supported under Ubuntu 16 due to old library versions.

  • [26290]  新增在Koha-conf.xml 設定預設SMTP伺服器功能 Add the ability to set a default SMTP server in koha-conf.xml

    With this enhancement, systems administrators can set a default/global SMTP configuration when creating the Koha instance, or by manually editing the koha-conf.xml.


  • [23019]  書目匯入時可以比對資料 Ability to create ‘matching profiles’ when importing records



Work has continued on refactoring the accounting code this cycle. The ‘Point of sale’ and ‘Cash management’ features have been further enhanced to better expose cash-up functionality to the user interface and aid in auditing processes and effort has been made to ensure all accountline actions are properly recording using double entry accounting methods with offsets to link income to debts.


A significant amount of work has gone into refactoring the transfers system to enable future enhancements and improve maintainability. Transfers can now be queued and a priority system exists for the various mechanisms that can trigger a transfer. Additionally, an audit trail is now left in place to allow future debugging to take place. This has helped us to resolve a number of long standing bugs and edge cases in the transfers process.


Work has continued to make Koha more accessible:

  • Title elements on the OPAC and staff client now start with the most unique information first
  • The structure of headings on the OPAC has improved and headings are now more descriptive
  • Breadcrumbs on the staff interface now show the most unique information first
  • The OPAC has improved labelling to make it more accessible to people using screen readers

PayPal 支援

Paypal 支援現在放到外掛去了 [23215]



  • [20212] 強化採訪收件的執行 Improve performance of acquisitions receive page

    This development changes how the orders table on receiving in acquisitions is rendered.
    Before these patches all active orders data was fetched from the database, along with all the related data (patrons, biblio). This leads to significant delays because all orders matching the filtering criteria were loaded, even when only 20 rows were displayed on the UI.
    With this patch, the table is rendering using server-side pagination, provided by the REST API. This means
    (1) only the information to be rendered is fetched (faster drawing
    (2) the page doesn’t reload anymore when a new filter is added: it just refreshes the table, very fastly.

    Sponsored by: Camden County Library System

    Sponsored by: ByWater Solutions

  • [22773] 可大量關閉發票和過濾發票瀏覽 Bulk close invoices and filter invoice view (open/closed)

    This new feature splits the view of the invoice search results into opened and closed tables and adds the ability to bulk close or reopen invoices.


  • [11299] 在編目增加一按鈕可自動連結權威記錄 (AJAX)

    此補充程式向基本 MARC 編輯器增加了一個新功能按鈕。點擊此按鈕時,將遍尋 MARC 記錄中的所有控制欄位並搜尋現有的權威資料以將它們連接到書目記錄。根據系統偏好,不匹配的標題將新增新的權限或保持未連結狀態。結果將突出顯示,以便編目者可以看到所做的工作。

MARC 書目資料支援

  • [8976] 預設在書目或館藏編輯器中分欄排序 Default sequence of subfields in cataloguing and item editor

    Sponsored by Orex Digital

    This new enhancement adds the ability to change the default order of the subfields.

    Both bibliographic and authority MARC subfield structure are taken into account. And so the item edition as well.

    This will answer, for instance, the following needs:

    • $i in 7xx fields should be the first subfield in the sequence
    • 300 fields are sorted number first when cataloguers enter the letter fields first
    • 100 field, it’s commonly $a, $q, $d.


  • [22569] 增加「轉送並寄出」報表 Add a ‘Transfers to send’ report

    This enhancement adds a ‘Transfers to send’ report to the circulation module.

    This is a parallel for the ‘Transfers to receive’ report and lists all items that are set to transfer but not yet in transit (along with their transfer reason and whether they’re available to be picked from the shelves or currently checked out).


  • [26633] Add advanced editor for transfer limits

    This enhancement adds an “advanced” editor for transfer limits that displays all to/from library combinations in a grid and allows them to be edited in a manner somewhat similar to the transport cost matrix editor.

New features


  • [11175] 顯示父層記錄元件部份在書目詳頁 Show the parent record’s component parts in the detailed views

    This enhancement adds the ‘ShowComponentParts’ system preference.

    When enabled, a record with analytical records has a new tab below the record detail containing links to the component parts records.

    The feature requires MaxComponentRecords is set to limit the maximum number of attached records to display; if more records are found then a link to the ‘Show analytics’ search will appear at the bottom of the listed analytics.

  • [14957] 書目匯入提供MARC欄位保護 Write protecting MARC fields based on source of import

    Sponsored by Catalyst, Gothenburg University Library and Halland County Library

    This enhancement enables the use of rules for merging MARC records. For example, it can be used to prevent field data from being overwritten.

    It is enabled using the new system preference “MARCOverlayRules”. Rules are added, edited and deleted in the staff interface from Home > Koha administration > Catalog > MARC overlay rules.

    NOTE: A follow-up bug is being worked upon to add compatibility with bulkmarcimport.

Course reserves 課程指定用書

  • [14237] 允許在課程裡加入書目, 而非館藏

    Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ) 贊助

    This patch adds a biblionumber column to course_items, adds a relationship between course_items.biblionumber and biblio.biblionumber, and changes course_items.itemnumber to allow null values. This feature allows a patron to add bibliographic records to course reserves. They can be added individually or in a batch. The courses that have reserved this record will also show on the record’s detail page.


  • [28180] 使用畫廊顯示多張圖片在OPAC的書目詳頁 Use a lightbox gallery to display the images on the detail pages in OPAC

    Sponsored by Gerhard Sondermann Dialog e.K. (presseplus.de, presseshop.at, presseshop.ch)

    This enhancement to the OPAC enables the display of multiple cover images on the detail page for a record or items in a gallery.


[24387] 最新消息工具分割出新功能HTML客製HTML Customizations

此增強功能將“新聞”工具重新命名為更通用的“附加內容”。它建立了兩個不同的內容“類別”:“新聞”和“HTML 客製”。



  • [28786] 提供雙階段認證 – TOTP (偏好: TwoFactorAuthentication 要enable)

     Orex Digital 贊助

    此新功能了雙階段身份驗證 (2FA) 的初始可選功能,以提高登入館員介面時的安全性。

    此實施使用基於時間(固定時長後變換)的一次性密碼 (TOTP) 作為第二個登入值,讓圖書館員使用應用程式(如Google Authenticator)來處理它並為他們提供登入時所需的代碼。


    然後,圖書館員可以通過個人詳頁中的「詳情」->「更多」-> 「管理雙重身份驗證」為其帳戶啟用 2FA。若要設定:1) 使用驗證器應用程序, 如Google Authenticator掃描QR碼。 2) 輸入軟體產生的一次性代碼。對於以後的登入,圖書館員在輸入他們的正常登入帳密後會被提示輸入驗證碼。

    可以使用任何身份驗證器應用程序,例如 Google Authenticator、OTP 和許多其他應用程序。推薦啟用 2FA 帳戶備份(基於雲或自動)的應用程式。

  • [29924] 提供設定密碼失效日期 Introduce password expiration to patron categories


  • [19532] Koha 讀者可針對館藏設定催還 (相關偏好: UseRecalls, RecallsMaxPickUpDelay, RecallsLog, 另會需要在流通與罰款處設定)

    這一新功能引入了讀者從 OPAC 詳細訊息中催還項目的能力。讀者可以在 OPAC 中查看他們請求催還的詳細訊息,並可以在催還之前取消催還。






  • [6815] 可透過網路攝像頭擷取讀者照片



  • [13952] 可匯入及匯出權威類型

    Catalyst 贊助



  • [30136] OPAC 新增頁面到底時會出現回到最上面的按鈕 Top Button


Koha 社區希望將 Koha 22.11 的發佈獻給 Rosalie Blake。

Koha 成立時,Rosalie 是 Horowhenua Library Trust 的館長,沒有她,Koha 就不會存在。她是一位鼓舞人心的領導者和創新者,並冒著職業生涯的風險委託 Chris、Joanne、Rachel 和 Simon 執行初始開發專案,從而成為我們所熟知、喜愛且造成國際轟動的開源碼系統開發案。




  • [30588] 新增選項在首次管理介面登入時, 需要2FA設定

    Rijksmuseum, Netherlands 贊助開發

    新增了第三方選項“強制”執行 TwoFactorAuthentication 認證。如果選擇,員工將無法不設定和使用 2 重身份驗證的情況下登錄管理介面端。

  • [31378] 新增執行 OAuth2/OIDC 客戶端應用

    a ByWater Solutions partner 贊助

    此功能引入了一種將 Koha 與任何 OAuth2/OIDC 身份提供者整合的方法。



  • [24606] 允許將館藏值存儲為建立新館藏的模版

    此功能允許館員建立並分享「館藏模版」中的一或多個館藏欄位植來設定成模版. 模版可以適用於一個一個基本的或設定成操作中的提醒器. 每個模版可以選擇性分享(唯讀)給其它編目者. 館員若有 manage_item_editor_templates 權限可以編輯任何既有的模版.

  • [24857] 新增對書目進行館藏分組的功能

    此功能允許圖書館對書目中的館藏進行分組。為此功能新增了一個新的系統偏好 - EnableItemGroups。此系統偏好一旦啟用,將允許圖書館將書目內的特定館藏相互分組。圖書館可以命名該組並將同一書目中的館藏加到該組。從書目中,如果它是組的一部分,將出現一個新選項卡並顯示在該館藏上。


  • [24860] 新增預約群組層次館藏能力

    該功能是使用新的 EnableItemGroupHolds 系統偏好啟用的。它還需要 EnableItemGroups 來管理館藏群組。

  • [28854] 加入群組館藏在流通的能力



    群組遵循正常流通規則進行借出。在還入時增加一個新的驗證步驟,圖書館員需要掃描每個組成館藏以驗證它在存在於群組館藏中。如果群組館藏中缺少某件館藏,則會將其標記為遺失並帶有新的遺失 - 記錄於群組館藏值。如果發現某件館藏不應該在群組中,它會在登記後向圖書管理員突出顯示,以便將其放在一邊。

    Sponsored by PTFS Europe

  • [30650] 新增路旁取件模組

    Sponsored by Association KohaLa

    有了這個模組,工作人員和顧客將可以從 OPAC 和館員介面管理路旁取件。
    如果圖書館選擇啟動路旁取件,他們將能夠從 Koha 內部管理流程的所有階段:安排取件時間、準備取件和完成取件。讀者可以通過 OPAC 表明他們已經到達圖書館取書。
    使用 CurbsidePickup 系統偏好啟用此模塊。


  • [32030] Electronic resource management (ERM)

    Sponsored by BibLibre, ByWater Solutions and PTFS Europe

    This new module adds a mechanism to track the selection, acquisition, licensing, access, maintenance, usage, evaluation, retention, and de-selection of a library’s electronic information resources. These resources include, but are not limited to, electronic journals, electronic books, streaming media, databases, datasets, CD-ROMs, and computer software.


  • [12446] Enable an adult to have a guarantor

    Before only categories of a certain type can be guarantees for other patron categories of certain types (Adult to child, organisation to professional). With this new feature it’s possible to define which patron categories can be guarantees independent of the category type. This enables relationships like adult to adult or organisation to adult.

  • [23681] Make patron restrictions user definable

    Sponsored by Koha-Suomi Oy and Loughborough University

    This adds a new configuration page for managing user defined and Koha internal patron restrictions to the administration module.

    If the new system preference PatronRestrictionTypes is enabled, you will also be able to choose the restriction type when manually restricting a patron.


  • [17170] Add the ability to create ‘saved searches’ for use as filters when searching the catalog

    Sponsored by Round Rock Public Library

    This patchset adds a new feature, the ability to save searches on the staff client and display them in the results page alongside facets (staff client and/or OPAC) as a search filter that can be applied to search result set.

    The feature is enabled/disabled by new system preference: SavedSearchFilters

    New filters can be added from the results page after a search, and there is an admin page for updating deleting and renaming filters.

    There is a new permission, manage_search_filters, to control management of these filters.

    New filters can be added that are not displayed along with facets, this allows for building custom links using these filters to keep URLs shorter


  • [15326] 新增內容管理功能

    Chartered Accountants Australia 、 New Zealand 以及 Horowhenua Libraries Trust 贊助

    此增強功能利用附加內容功能可在用戶使用的語系介面, 將自定義頁面增加到管理介面和 OPAC。

  • [30952] 新的管理介面







  • 8179 可一起作業多個訂單流程 Receiving multiple order lines at once

    贊助 維吉尼亞理工學院和州立大學


  • 11844 可在訂單流程加新的欄位 Additional fields for order lines

    這增加了用於將其他用戶定義的欄位增加到採訪模組中的訂單行的選項。這些欄位可以設置為自由內容欄位或由容許值驅動的下拉列表。他們還可以從 MARC 記錄中取得訊息或允許您在 MARC 記錄中建立和編輯字段。

  • 33103 加入供應商別名 Add vendor aliases
  • 33104 增加供應商介面 Add vendor interfaces
    這增加了為供應商建立介面的能力。介面是您用來管理訂單或從供應商或組織收集統計數據的網站、軟體或門戶。介面還可以包括用戶名和密碼,它們將被加密儲存,但可以解密並在管理介面中顯示。可以使用 VENDOR_INTERFACE_TYPE 容許值類別設置介面類型。


  • 20256 加入限制在館藏圖書館或群組圖書館編輯的功能 Add ability to limit editing of items to home library or library group

    贊助 CLiC(科羅拉多州圖書館聯盟)

    這增加了將館藏編輯限制為來自特定圖書館組內圖書館的館員用戶的能力。這是通過建立館藏群組時的新選項完成的。還有一個新的系統偏好 edit_any_item 允許用戶獨立於圖書館組和他們自己的家庭圖書館編輯記錄上的所有項目。

  • 31123 可以加入警語在書目中 Add a simple way to add ‘Harmful content warnings’ to catalogue records

    贊助 Tavistock &波特曼圖書館

    新的 ContentWarningField 系統偏好可以設置為任何 MARC 段,但對於 MARC21,建議使用 59X段。可以將所述字段增加到框架中,它將在 OPAC 和詳細訊息頁面和結果頁面上的館員介面中適當地顯示為標籤“內容警語:”。我們從 OPAC 中隱藏了分欄 x,因為它通常在其他註釋字段中用作“私人註釋”,如果您希望使用它,我們還會將分欄“u”的內容轉換為可點擊的連結。其他分欄在出現時顯示在一行中。


  • 31212 Datelastseen 應該是日期時間

    這會將 items.datelastseen 中最後出現的日期從日期移動到日期時間,這意味著現在不僅會記錄日期,還會記錄時間。


  • 31028 新增「編目關切」讓讀者可以針對書目內容提出關切 Add ‘Report a concern’ feature for patrons to report concerns about catalog records

    Sponsored by Tavistock & Portman Library

    這為 OPAC 和館員介面帶來了新的編目關切功能,允許非編目者從書目詳頁報告書目問題。報告的問題將顯示在館員介面首頁的儀表板中,並可在編目功能頁面取得。
    可以使用 OpacCatalogConcerns 和 CatalogConcerns 系統偏好為 OPAC 和館員介面獨立啟用該功能。

  • 31051 在OPAC展示讀者的節省金額 Show patron’s ‘savings’ on the OPAC

    Sponsored by Horowhenua Libraries Trust

    這個新功能向讀者顯示他們通過使用圖書館而不是購買物品節省了多少。節省是根據物品重置價格計算的。系統偏好允許您選擇顯示儲蓄的位置——用戶頁面、OPAC 主頁上的摘要框或結帳歷史頁面。


  • 32426 提供使用者名稱生成外掛 Make userid generation pluggable

    這增加了一個新的插件掛鉤 patron_generate_userid,允許使用客製方法在顧客記錄上生成用戶 ID。

REST API <-暫不翻譯

  • 21043 Add POST endpoint for patron debits

    Sponsored by The Research University in the Helmholtz Association (KIT)

  • 29453 Add GET endpoints to fetch patron credits and debits

    Sponsored by PTFS Europe

  • 30962 Add POST endpoint for validating a user password
  • 31793 Add DELETE endpoint for Authorities
  • 31794 Add GET endpoint for Authorities
  • 31795 Add POST endpoint for Authorities
  • 31796 Add PUT endpoint for Authorities
  • 31797 Add DELETE endpoint for Items
  • 31798 Add POST endpoint for Items
  • 31799 Add PUT endpoint for Items
  • 31800 Add POST endpoint for Biblios
  • 31801 Add PUT endpoint for Biblios
  • 32734 Add GET endpoint for listing Biblios
  • 32735 Add GET endpoint for listing Authorities
  • 32981 Add GET endpoint for listing authorised values by a given category
  • 32997 Add GET endpoint for listing authorised value categories
  • 33146 Add public GET endpoint for listing items

24.11是Koha 第2個LTS版本....



  •     34355自動 MARC 記錄訂購流程

        為基於 MARC 文件的訂購系統的 EDI 訂購添加並行流程。

    由ByWater Solutions贊助


  •     35659 OAI收割機

        此變更增加了圖書館工作人員在 Koha 中定義 OAI 儲存庫的能力,這些儲存庫使用系統管理員配置的 cronjob 來收集元資料。可以使用系統首選項 OAI-PMH:HarvestEmailReport 中定義的電子郵件地址共享收穫的電子郵件報告

    由KohaLa 協會和KohaLa贊助




    由 PTFS 歐洲贊助


  •     35287為 ERM 許可證添加其他字段支持

        此增強功能為 ERM 許可證新增了「附加欄位」支援。

    由PTFS Europe和UKHSA(英國健康安全局)贊助


  •     14670在 OPAC 中的詳細資訊頁面新增「引用」選項

        這會在 OPAC 詳細資料頁面上書目詳細資料右側的工具列中新增一個新的「引用」選項。點擊後,您將看到使用不同引文樣式查看的記錄的引文。

    由Orex Digital和Regionbibliotek Halland / 哈蘭縣圖書館贊助

  •     26777為用戶提供從 OPAC 顯示其顧客卡條碼的選項



  •     28633為顧客新增首選名稱字段

        此新功能在顧客資訊中新增了新的「首選名稱」欄位。預設情況下,這在員工和 OPAC 贊助人表單中可見。

            「首選名稱」欄位優先,並顯示在 Koha 中顯示顧客姓名的位置。
            讀者自動完成:使用 DefaultPatronSearchFields 系統首選項新增或刪除要搜尋的欄位 - 如果您目前的安裝使用名字,則應自動更新以包含首選名稱(並且在新安裝的預設設定中)。


  •     28965為列表新增公共路由

        此增強功能新增了用於檢索清單的新公共 API 端點。


  •     33484能夠記住使用者選擇的表格配置和表格的搜尋過濾器





  •     AllowItemsOnLoanCheckoutSIP 允許借出物品結帳SIP
  •     AlwaysLoadCheckoutsTable 始終加載借出表單
  •     AuthorityXSLTDetailsDisplay 權威XSLT詳細資料顯示
  •     ForcePasswordResetWhenSetByStaff 當工作人員設定時強制重設密碼
  •     HoldsQueueParallelLoopsCount
  •     IncludeSeeAlsoFromInSearches 包括另見來自搜索
  •     JobsNotificationMethod 職位通知方式
  •     MarcOrderingAutomation 機讀格式訂購自動化
  •     NoRefundOnLostFinesPaidAge 遺失罰款不予退款年齡
  •     OAI-PMH:HarvestEmailReport OAI-PMH:收穫電子郵件報告
  •     OPACItemLocation OPAC館藏位置
  •     OPACLoginLabelTextContent OPAC登入標籤文字內容
  •     OPACOverDrive
  •     OPACShowLibraries OPAC顯示圖書館
  •     OPACVirtualCard OPAC虛擬卡
  •     OPACVirtualCardBarcode OPAC虛擬卡條碼
  •     OpacMetaRobots Opac元機器人
  •     ReportsExportFormatODS 報告匯出格式ODS
  •     ReportsExportLimit 報告匯出限制
  •     RestrictPatronsWithFailedNotices 限制顧客失敗通知
  •     SMSSendMaxChar 簡訊發送最大字元數
  •     SearchCancelledAndInvalidISBNandISSN 搜尋已取消且無效 ISBN 和 ISSN
  •     StaffInterfaceLanguages 員工介面語言
  •     SuggestionsLog 建議日誌
  •     z3950Status z3950狀態







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